Supported Modeles:
LG KS 20 free unlock
LG Corona Unlock
1.Install drivers (LGCoronaUSBDriver.rar).....
2.Look instruction (instruction connect.jpeg) or here write
enter code 2676625720# on Dialer
menu will show, press
Port Setting → 1. Diag Setting → 1. USB Set for Diag → “OK” → “Back”.
(Port Setting → 1. Diag Setting →) 2. USB Switching → “LG Composite -DUN, DIAG”.
press "Done" and reset your device. (switch off the phone with the right button press 3 sec
and turn it off (soft reset))
3.Connect phone.
4.Run the program(ks20 code reader.exe)
5 - code UNLOCK will appear at the end of the MSDOS window
make a copy of the line UNLOCK CODE :
2945#*20# >>> xxxxxxxxxxxxx <<<<>
xxx is your code...
P.S : For Vista users need to run the program with Administrative Rights.
P.S : if Unlock code not work Make A Factory Reset In The First Menu To Start Unlock Process
P.S : if MS Dos closing after getting info try this step
1- install Microsoft Active Sync 4.5
2- repeat instruction 2 and select on USB Switching Microsoft USBEn reset your phone
3- copy WinDiag_Open.cab to \My Documents in Mobile Device in My computer
install it from phone using file explorer. After that repeat instruction 2 and select LG Composite -DUN, DIAG
now the code reder will work fine tested by me. If still not work try to plug phone in new USB port
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