Arching/saving blackberry apps to memory card

Step 1
Update your Blackberry App World to version 1.1 or higher. Any older versions will not allow you to archive or download the apps to the micro SD memory card.

Step 2
Download any app or apps that you plan on using in the Blackberry App World. If you already have your apps downloaded, proceed to step three.

Step 3
Choose "My World" from the main screen in order to view your downloaded apps.

Step 4
Scroll to the app that you would like to archive or download to the micro SD memory card. Select your menu button and choose the "Archive" option. This will begin the download and archiving process. Your app will be uninstalled from the device memory and transferred to the SD card.

Step 5
Reboot the Blackberry if requested. Some apps will require this step while others will not.

Step 6
Restore the app that you saved to your micro SD memory card. You should be able find your archived apps in the Downloads folder or on the home screen. The archived apps will have a green arrow on the icon indicating it was downloaded to the memory card. Select the app and then select "Restore"

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