Easiest guide for creating a Pandora's battery

I am sure this is one of the simplest guides and it gives solutions to many problems, brought to you by igizmore ...

1) A spare PSP battery (recommended) , any make will do .
2) A spare memory stick PRO DUO (it has to be PRO DUO)
3) A PSP with Custom firmware ( OE or M33) or a 1.5 PSP. Ask you friends , search for one

1) Take out the 1.5 or Custom firmware PSP ( OE or M33) and put in the spare memorystick (it has to be pro duo) and spare battery that you wanna modify .

2)Now you gotta format the memory stick . Scroll to SETTINGS > SYSTEM SETTINGS > FORMAT MEMORY STICK

3) OK now download this pack from http://igizmore.blogspot.com/2007/08/mak...tery-magic.html . and EXTRACT it with WinRAR . Don’t have Winrar Download it from www.winrar.com

4) Now extract the PANDORA folder from the downloaded pack to the desktop . Inside the Pandora folder you will find two other folders “msinst” and “mspformat”

5) Connect you PSP to the PC via USB cable .

6) Now in you computer go to START > RUN and type in CMD and click on OK . A black box will popout .

7) Here’s kinda the confusing part . your computer might show C:\ or C:\Documents and Setting\Username> … Now I told you to you to extract the folders to the Desktop . So copy the location of the msformat picture here paste it followed by the drive letter of your PSP (eg my psp drive removable disk (I:) the letter is I )

Now if your PC shows C:/ in your CMD copy the address bar and paste it in followed by the letter of your psp drive .

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop\PANDORA\mspformat\mspformat.exe I

IF you PC shows C:\Documents and Setting\Username> copy the address bar and paste it in followed by the letter of your psp drive

C:\Documents and Setting\Username>\PANDORA\mspformat\mspformat.exe I

8) Keep trying till you get this prompt (like mine) :

>>> C:\Documents and Setting\Username>Desktop\PANDORA\mspformat\mspformat.exe I
>>> You are about to format the drive I .
>>> All Data will be lost . Do you want to continue? [Y]
Then you type in y and you will see
>>> Drive successfully formatted, and partition moved.
After that you can close the CMD box

9) Disconnect your psp from the PC and remove the memory card and turn of the PSP , then place the MS (MS=memory stick) back in and turn the PSP on . Then reconnect you PSP to the Pc . NOTE: You have to do this …

10) Now download this pack from http://igizmore.blogspot.com/2007/08/mak...tery-magic.html , extract it with WinRar and copy the PSP folder and the UPDATE.PBP to the ROOT of the PSP memory stick . If you you have a 1.5 PSP no problem , If you have Custom Firmware make sure you turn on the 1.5 kernel mode .

11) Disconnect your PSP . Scroll to GAME and click on “Pandora’s Battery Firm. Installer” it will take a few moments . After its done remove the MS from the PSP turn it off then place it back in and turn the PSP back on again, you HAVE to do this .

12) Connect your PSP to the PC . A Few files and folders will be formed in your ROOT , now copy the msipl.bin from the root to the “msinst Folder” which is inside your extracted Pandora folder . It should look like this

13) Here we go again START >RUN type in CMD . That black box will open again . Now copy the address of the msinst.exe followed by the PSP drive letter followed by the address of the msipl.bin

Now if your PC shows C:/ in your CMD it should be something like this (with reference to PSP’s drive as I)

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Desktop\PANDORA\msinst\msinst.exe I Documents and Settings\username\Desktop\PANDORA\msinst\msipl.bin

IF you PC shows C:\Documents and Setting\Username> then it will look something like this :

C:\Documents and Settings\username>Desktop\PANDORA\msinst\msinst.exe I Desktop\PANDORA\msinst\msipl.bin

If you did it right you will get a prompt like (this promp will differ from PC to PC) :

>>> PSP MS IPL Installer
>>> Load IPL code msipl.bin
>>> 241664 bytes(59 block) readed
>>> Target DRIVE is 1
>>> Check partation Sector
>>> boot status 0x80
>>> start head 0x0B
>>> start sec/cyl 0x0018
>>> partation type 0x06
>>> last head 0x7F
>>> last sec/cyl 0xCFE0
>>> abs sector 0x00000177
>>> ttl sector 0x0003CF689
>>> signature 0xAA55
>>> Check BPB Sector
>>> signature AA55
>>> Check free reserved sector:OK
>>> Write ABS Sector 0x10 to 0x1E7
>>> Are You Sure ?[Y]

Type in Y and you will get

>>> Write MS BOOT CODE

Congrats you now have a Magic Memory stick . Now Disconnect your psp from the PC and remove the memory card and turn of the PSP , then place the MS back in and turn the PSP on .

NOTE : if you get

>>> PSP MS IPL Installer
>>> Load IPL code msipl.bin
>>>Can’t open msipl.bin

The location (address) of the msipl.bin is WRONG (i got this like loads of times until I figured it out just keep trying )

14) After you have the magic MS leave it in the PSP then , Turn on your psp and go to Pandora’s battery Creator , make sure you have the spare battery in it . I Recommend backing up so you can make the pandora battery into a normal one press “triangle " first it will back up then go to “Pandora’s battery Creator” again and press X … You normal spare battery is now a … PANDORA UNBRICKING BATTERY … WOO HOO… You did it .

NOTE :when the Pandora’s battery Creator loads and if you get “ERROR at address 0x27” or a similar error you are screwed , you cant turn that battery into a Pandora battery but you can use it as a normal battery . Use another battery and try again . How do I know this ??? coz I got screwed too : P .

TO DOWNGRADE UNBRICK ANY PSP or to make your modded battery and MS to normal SEE http://igizmore.blogspot.com/2007/08/pan...ck-any-psp.html

CREDITS : ALL this is thanks to the Noobz! team ... Please donate to them for all the hard work the put in . visit their site www.noobz.eu

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