Zune Hard drive software

ZuneHDPatch 4.0 : Allows the Zune to be viewed under my computer and support varied external hard-drive features.
Cost: Nothing.

*use zune as a hard drive
*add files to zune without zune software
*access zune files directly
*delete / modify files on the zune device without zune software

V2 Zune compatible

Download At:
Here (.zip) - FileFront
Here (.exe)

- Patches multiple Zune devices (Allows multiple Zunes to be visible, viewed, etc)
- Hides the second icon.
- Should work 100% of the time now, has been tested under varied conditions.

- Windows XP
- .NET 2.0 Framework
- Administrative Rights on your computer
- Windows Media Player 11 or below
- Zune(s)

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If it does not work, first try running "Windows Update", restarting your computer, running the patch again, and then plugging in your Zune.

Also note that in some instances the Patch will give a false negative, that is to say it will say it did not work; however, it actually did. The reason for this is being looked into.

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